BGC Okanagan Preschool And After School Registration

We welcome you to BGC Okanagan preschool and after school programs! Our licensed child care programs provide activities to promote all aspects of a child’s social, emotional, physical, intellectual, and creative development. We strive for each child to experience a sense of belonging and inclusion.

Our dedicated Educators connect each family’s unique and diverse strengths, and maintain relationships based on mutual trust, openness and respect. Communication is vital and we encourage two-way dialogue between families and Educators. To support quality in our programs, we invest in our Educators, provide professional learning opportunities, and encourage responsive, reciprocal and reflective practice.

Preschool openings:

Our Preschool program provides the opportunity for children ages 3-5 to play in an environment of learning, exploration, creativity, and growth. We welcome each child’s unique learning style in our rich early-learning environment.

For general inquiries about BGC Okanagan Preschool email [email protected]

After School openings:

All BGC Okanagan After School Programs offer care for children in Kindergarten to Grade 7. Hours of operation are from school dismissal to 6 p.m. BGC Okanagan also offers full day care for school breaks, Professional Development Days, early dismissals, Winter Break, Spring Break, and Summer Break.

Vernon area – Please send your inquiries to [email protected] 

  • BGCO Ellison ASC
  • BGCO Alexis Park ASC
  • BGCO Harwood ASC
  • BGCO Mission Hill ASC
  • BGCO Vernon ASC
  • BGCO Armstrong ASC