
Our Club in the News

Check often for the latest news at the Boys and Girls Club of Okanagan!

BGC Okanagan kicks off Gift of Giving campaign

BGC Okanagan kicks off Gift of Giving campaign

Nov. 30, 2021 – BGC Okanagan is aiming to raise $50,000 with their Gift of Giving campaign, launched on Giving Tuesday, with every dollar donated providing opportunity to children, youth and families in the Okanagan. “Investing in children, youth and families is [...]

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BGC Okanagan celebrates new Lake Country facility

BGC Okanagan celebrates new Lake Country facility

Lake Country is now home to an innovative Multi-generational Activity Centre (MAC) facility providing a place for activities and groups, building on the offerings of the Winfield recreation complex, and ensuring families in Lake Country have the supports they need. [...]

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CapriCMW Golf4Kids Day a success

CapriCMW Golf4Kids Day a success

The 30th annual CapriCMW Golf4Kids Day, held on Aug. 11 throughout the Okanagan Valley, raised a total of $75,000 for BGC Okanagan. “Thank you to all the sponsors and donors, with these funds we are able to provide a safe place of belonging, with positive role models [...]

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BGC Okanagan 2020-2021 Annual General Meeting

BGC Okanagan 2020-2021 Annual General Meeting

BGC Okanagan (Okanagan Boys and Girls Clubs) announce our 2020-2021 Annual General Meeting, which will be held on September 16, 2021. ***NEW*** We hoped to be able to continue with our plans for an in-person AGM this year, but for the safety of all of our staff, [...]

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