
BGC Okanagan – Armstrong

General Inquiries
3015 Wood Avenue
Armstrong, BC V0E 1B1

Phone: 250.546.9900
Email: [email protected]

Social Media:
BGC Okanagan – Armstrong

Ages 0-5 Programs

Mother Goose and More

Mother Goose Programs are happening in the community!

The Parent Child Mother Goose Program uses songs, rhymes and storytelling with parents and their children to promote oral language, social competence and emotional regulation in young children. Parents play with their children by engaging in songs and games with trained facilitators. Mother Goose strengthens the bond between parent and child and provides parents with the tools that make daily life with a young child more fulfilling while enhancing their child’s development.

Mother Goose and More Program & Location Details

Mother Goose and More

3185 Becker Street
8:30 – 9:30 am
10:00 – 11:00 am (Intergenerational)
Contact us for program dates!

Ages 5-12 Programs

After School Programs

BGC Okanagan After School Programs are the best place for children to be after the school bell. For 60 years we have been providing programs to children and we know what kids love to do! Children will be provided time to play outside, sports, games, creative arts, a daily nutritional snack, and fun leisure activities. Our staff develop a special, caring relationship with each child, encouraging them to explore areas of interest, create new friendships, and develop their personal growth.

After School Programs & Location Details

After School Programs

After school programs emphasize a sense of belonging, help make positive choices, learn healthy behaviours and build on a child’s strengths encouraging them to reach their potential. Parents often comment that they “trust our staff in caring for their children.” We understand the importance of physical health, social and emotional development, learning, and allowing kids to be themselves in a supportive, safe place where they are encouraged to explore, try new activities, and have a lot FUN! 

3015 Wood Avenue
Monday – Friday
School Dismissal – 6:00pm
5 – 12 Years of Age

Recreation Programs

Recreation programs are for members aged 7-12 years who want to come out to the Club and take part in a wide variety of activities that are planned around BGC Canada Core programming areas. Opportunities to develop friendships, and connect with positive role models, allows children to find a place where they belong, are cared about and where they can learn new skills. Activities create a safe and fun way for kids to spend their time during the after school hours, weekends and evenings.

Recreation Programs & Location Details

Recreation Programs

Each Club location offers recreation programs to meet the community needs. Each community location will offer monthly calendars describing the specific activities that can be located on our facebook pages and at the service locations. Examples include activities such as community field trips, sports, National Boys and Girls clubs programs, life skills, creative arts, leadership and learning.
The Recreation program is open year round at various times based on program offerings. See service location for monthly calendars for specific times and dates.

Parents are responsible for a yearly membership and program fees. Program fees will vary dependent on the program. Financial Subsidies or Canadian Tire Jumpstart funding may be available for eligible families.


3015 Wood Avenue
Wednesday Evenings
6:00pm to 8:00pm
7 – 12 Years of Age

Falkwood Elementary
School Dismissal – 4:00pm
7 – 12 Years of Age

Find more info on what your Club is offering by clicking here

Family Programs

Achievers Program

Achievers Program – The Achievers Program is a unique recreation and social program that provides community integration to school-aged children with support needs. Children participate in social and recreational activities. Each child has an individual goal plan that is developed with our professional staff and parents work toward independence and a lifetime of activity and community involvement.

Achievers Program & Location Details

Achievers Program

All participants are referred by MCFD.


5-18 years

Armstrong Family Development Program

The Armstrong Family Development Program is a free, voluntary service that facilitates counseling, support, parent education, conflict resolution, and community connections for children, youth and their families, to increase healthy family functioning and develop positive skills for life. Individuals and families can self-refer or be referred by community partners.

Armstrong Family Development Program Details

Armstrong Family Development Program

The program’s role in the community is preventive in nature, aiming to stop the escalation of problems to a point where more intrusive interventions might be required. The program provides flexible and effective support to families who are experiencing a variety of problems, and employs interventions such as outreach, parent-child mediation, solution-oriented counselling strategies, connection to community resources and referrals, and enhancement of parenting and life skills. 

3015 Wood Avenue
Date by Appointment
5 – 19 Years of Age
Email Address: [email protected]
Phone Number: 250-503-8294

Nobody’s Perfect Parenting

Families are complex, challenging, and worth every bit of effort. The Nobody’s Perfect parenting program is about finding your way as a parent — even when family life gets a bit messy. Find ideas and support to help you manage today’s challenges and your child’s needs. Discover your strengths as a parent, and build new ones with the support and encouragement of other parents. For parents of children 0-5.

Nobody's Perfect Parenting Details

Nobody’s Perfect Parenting

Contact us for dates and times
0 – 5 Years of Age
Email Address: [email protected] 

Armstrong Food Bank

Every month food banks in BC help 94,000 individuals. Many people don’t realize that it could be their neighbour or co-worker who needs help from a food bank in BC. Why? Because there is no typical person that turns to a food bank for help.

It may be a family where both parents are working, but just don’t have enough left over from each paycheque to fully feed their family. It may be a senior whose fixed income just doesn’t stretch far enough. It may be someone who is disabled, has a terminal illness or someone that has lost their job and for the first time in their life, has to reach out for help. It may be a single mom who is struggling to feed her children because she just doesn’t have enough support. In fact children make up close to 30% of the people who need help from our community food banks.

Armstrong Food Bank Details & Locations

Armstrong Food Bank

3459 Pleasant Valley Road
Open for donations and distributions
by appointment
Program Coordinator: Jennifer Ciccone
Email Address: [email protected]
Phone Number: 250-546-3465
PO Box 332, Armstrong, V0E 1B0